I hope that whether you choose me or not, your visit to my website is helpful. Perhaps it will raise issues you hadnt thought of, or give you a better understanding of computers & the internet. Because of my absolute commitment to integrity, I feel that the more knowledgeable you are, the more likely you are to select me for your computer needs. To that end, I have avoided distracting you with unnecessary animations and confusing you with a multitude of computer terms. Instead, I have tried to provide you with straightforward, honest information that I have accumulated over the 25 years I have been in the computer industry. If you wish to return to the opening page, simply click on the words Malibu's Computer Doc that are found at the top of every page of this website. Thank you for taking the time to visit my website and I hope you will select me to serve your computer & internet needs. Call me at (310) 589-7000 and give me the opportunity to show you how hard I will work for you. Chuck Freiman, Owner
Entire website copyright 1998 by Chuck Freiman - All rights reserved |